Ah, the Holidays. The Hap- Hap- Happiest time of the year and yet the most Stressful (yes, with a capital S) for many.
The shopping, the cooking, the baking, the family dynamics, the gifts, the school commitments, the tipping…the list goes on and on and on. So much to worry about, so little time.
But it’s such a magical time of year, and despite all that we have to do, it’s important to try to stay connected to the meaning of the season and not get swept away in the emotion and never-ending task list that seems to always come along with it. So with that said, I’ve compiled a little list of 7 Helpful Hacks for Managing Holiday Stress. Let’s see if it will be effective…Here we go:
1. Get your groceries delivered. For the next few weeks of the holiday season, do yourself a favor, and cross “Go to Grocery Store” off the list. There are so many online delivery services to choose from — I know that Peapod.com even offers a little discount for first time orders: Save $20 on your first order of $100 or more with promo code BROCHURE2016 at online checkout (expires 12/31/16!) You’re welcome 🙂
2. Simplify your meals. As long as you’re ordering your groceries online, be sure to simply your dinner prep. The folks at Peapod.com have these new Barilla Meal Kits, that include all the pre-portioned and chopped fresh ingredients you need to make a satisfying supper. My family sampled the Parmesan Crusted Chicken with Spaghetti and also the Baked Rotini with Spinach and were quite happy. If you really don’t want to cook at all (meaning you just want to simply “reheat”), try Fresh Direct’s heat and eat meals, or inquire in your area for local caterers or restaurants that offer “Mom’s Night Off” meals. They tend to be more family-friendly and portioned appropriately than traditional takeout from say your local Chinese restaurant or pizza shop. Even if you did any of the above for 2 -3 nights a week during the holiday hustle, you’ll save your sanity a bit.

The Parmesan Crusted Chicken Meal Kit was delicious but a little bit more labor intensive since it involved frying up the chicken cutlets.
3. Use a Calendar System. This may seem obvious, but keep a centralized calendar in a communal space for your entire family to see. We love our Wall Pops peel and stick dry erase calendar that hangs in our kitchen. It’s like our Grand Central Station and as doctor’s appointments, school pickup times, holiday parties come about or change, we simply use our markers and erase as needed.
4. Shop online. You’re online already ordering your groceries, your dinner and maybe also your holiday cards….why stop there? Take advantage of the many offers for free shipping, discounts, promos, etc. and buy as much as you can without having to leave the comforts of your home. As soon as things get delivered, whisk them off your doorstep and pick a centralized point for storing them so you don’t forget where all the gifts are hidden. If you’re really feeling adventurous, go ahead and wrap and tag them as soon as they delivered.
5. Take advantage of extended store hours. If you DO need to hit the stores for some holiday shopping, consider going at “off peak” hours. Many malls and big box stores post their extended holiday hours. You’ll have a better chance of finding a parking space and feel far less stressed without the “hustle” going on around you. It’s a whole other kind of zen to shop at Kohl’s on a Friday night around 11pm.
6. Download the Calm App. Like, now. I simply do not know how I’ve functioned before finding the Calm app. Calm provides guided meditations in a variety of time chunks — bliss out anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes or just relax to the soothing sights and sounds of naturescapes like a foggy stream or a tropical beach.
7. CHILL! Seriously…chill out. Go get a manicure. Grab a stack of magazines and settle in for a night of binge-watching your favorite shows. Go for a walk. Go get a drink with some friends. Just do one little thing for yourself sometime during the holidays that brings YOU joy. Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give not only yourself, but those around you.
What sanity-saving hacks would you add to the list? Comment below.
Wishing you and yours a very happy, stress-free holiday season!
-mom a la mode
{I was not monetarily compensated in any way for this post. Some product samples have been received for review purposes only. All opinions expressed here are solely mine.}
Great tips! I agree that it is important to keep things simple. I am definitely going to check out the Calm app…I am a big believer in the benefits of meditation.
Such great ideas and tips. Love the idea of getting my groceries delivered. Genius!
My friend and I were just talking about this at lunch today — it truly is helpful during this time of the year and can very easily be budgeted for!
CALM app rocks!!! I’ve also started using Sworkit for my in-home workouts. You never have to leave the house to work out!
That’s thanks to YOU, my friend!! LOVE that Calm app. Will have to check out Sworkit, too!