We all know that a smile can make a difference in child’s life, but did you know that a smile could potentially save a child’s life?
That’s what I learned just about two weeks ago, at a swanky blogger lunch in NYC that was sponsored by TYLENOL®. It was a fantastic afternoon spent with some social media friends, sipping Mason jar pomegranate lemonades and sampling truffle risotto at The Park restaurant.
But what I enjoyed most of all was learning about the Children’s Health Fund, and later having the chance to speak to Today show favorite doctor, Dr. Tanya Altman about keeping our kids healthy.
A little bit about Children’s Health Fund: Twenty-five years ago, three people saw the plight of homeless children in New York City who needed medical care but couldn’t get to a doctor. They came together to find an innovative solution that would help children living in poverty not only in this area, but all across the nation.
The year was 1987 and the people were singer/songwriter Paul Simon, Dr. Irwin Redlener and Karen Redlener. And with a fleet of “medical clinics on wheels,” they brought – and continue to bring — accessible healthcare to children in need nationwide.
At our blogger lunch, the folks at TYLENOL® officially kicked off their #SmilingItForward campaign, in which for every photo shared on https://www.smilingitforward.com, they will make a $1 donation to Children’s Health Fund to ensure a doctor’s visit is always within reach for children in need.
Now that’s something to smile about!
Roc and I got into the spirit of the campaign – click here and scroll a bit to see his smiling face during his first week of school.
I also had the chance to speak with Dr. Tanya regarding some of the questions that mom a la mode Facebook Fans posted. Here were her responses:
Facebook Fan Jennifer M. asked, “How can we help our kids adjust to the change to the full Fall schedule?”
Dr. Tanya hinted it may be a bit too late at this point, and that a few weeks prior to Back to School is the ideal time to start laying the groundwork for a worry-free transition to the Fall schedule. Things like “playing school” and going to bed a little earlier could help, as well as reinforcement of how anything school-related is “fun” and “exciting.” She also recommended that play dates could be a great way of reinforcing the social situation our kids will come across in a school setting.
Laura S. had a question about the use of Triclosan in hand sanitizers and how to safely keep germs at bay once school season (and cold/flu season) is in full swing.
Dr. Tanya told us you don’t really need antibacterial soap or hand sanitizers if you are diligent about hand washing, and do it properly – getting a good lather, singing the ABC’s song, rinsing and adequately drying the hands. She also highly recommended that we keep our hands moisturized and to also consider using a delicate hand soap like Dove or Cetaphil, as dry-cracked hands can lead to little cuts which can lead to another way for infection to invade our bodies.
Some other questions discussed from bloggers in attendance included how to deal with toddlers who are picky eaters. Dr. Tanya had some great tips – the most important being to BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL and get the bad stuff out of the house. She suggested to break things down into little successes: keep a sticker chart. For every time a new color of the rainbow is eaten in the form of a fruit or veggie, the child gets a sticker. Also, take baby steps with picky toddlers and vegetables. She suggested:
Day 1: We all have broccoli on our plate
Day 2: Mommy will eat the broccoli
Day 3: Toddler “kisses” the broccoli on his plate
Day 4: Toddler puts the broccoli in his mouth
Day 5: Toddler eats a tiny piece of broccoli
After each success, toddler gets a sticker on his chart. And hopefully, after enough exposure to the broccoli, Toddler actually EATS the broccoli on his own volition.
This was one of those events that I walked away with far more than a nice time and a goodie bag. I loved learning about Children’s Health Fund and bringing good health to children who need it most, and having the chance to learn a few tips to help keep my own son healthy.
As an added bonus, am giving away Dr. Tanya’s book on my Facebook Fan Page. Be sure to enter today! {Giveaway Closed}
Here’s to good health for all of our children! (and don’t forget to #SmileItForward)
-mom a la mode
{I was not compensated in any way for this post. All opinions expressed here are solely mine. As always, be sure to check with your own medical provider for health tips and care for your family.}
What an awesome campaign, and those are great ideas to get your child to start eating vegetables!
Thanks for your comment! Yeah, it is pretty awesome, right?! ox