If you’ve followed my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds over the past few days, you know that I was in Chicago for the BlogHer ’13 Conference. What exactly is BlogHer and why should you care about it? More on that from CNN. Why did I travel to my second favorite city in the world, sitting […]
7 Minutes with Dr. Travis Stork at BlogHer’13
I should start this post telling you that I had no idea up until just about a week before I was scheduled to meet Dr. Travis Stork at BlogHer’13 in Chicago, that I would be interviewing a pop culture sensation. And you know how much mom a la mode loves pop culture. Sure, I knew […]
Spreading Some Sunshine: BlogHer and Beyond
My friend and fellow blogger, Alison H. of Mixer Upper, recently granted mom a la mode the Sunshine Award: a viral accolade highlighting a series of blogs that the recipient enjoys reading. The idea is to shine some light, show some digital love and pay it forward. I purposely waited to bestow the Sunshine Award […]