Has it really been over a month since I’ve last posted?!
More importantly, are we really nearing the end of JULY?!
Summer….where for art thou going????
If you’ve been following along with mom a la mode on Facebook and Instagram, you’ve seen us taking on the Jersey Shore by storm, celebrating multiple family birthdays, playing around with summer produce and more.
I’ve also been uber-consumed with my consulting practice work, which has been rewarding and also challenging, with my active five-year old home for the summer. Thank goodness for day camp activities and Roc’s loving grandparents who can’t seem to get enough of him!
But I have many things I want to share with you still. Like, GOOD things. Giveaways. Travel tips. Disney stuff. Back to School fun.
I hope you’re enjoying your summer while it’s still here. I’ve been known to say that summer is essentially over right after 4th of July hits…mostly because we are all sent right into Back to School mode thanks to those flyers and emails we’re now getting from folks like Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Land’s End and Pottery Barn.
Receive a Halloween catalog yet? You will soon…
Chillax. Bite into a crisp piece of ice-cold watermelon. Let the juices run down your arm. Maybe give your eyes a rest from le internet. (Did I really just type that?)
- Greek Salad made with Jersey Fresh produce
- Roc on the beach at Jersey Shore
- Fun at Jenkinson’s, Point Pleasant
- The Hubs and His Bro after a 5K on the beach (The Hubs came in 1st in his group!)
I’ll see ya back here with some more good stuff soon.
Happy Summer, ya’ll
-mom a la mode
nice mom ala mode hhh, don’t worry i always waiting your news here
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